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So this webpage that you are currently viewing is divided into two sections. The first section contains the reviews from YOU. So when you review Seven Viking Days on Amazon, please also send it to us so we can post it here. Here is our email address:
The second section contains the professional reviews of Seven Viking Days, such as Midwest Book Review and Publishers Weekly.
Reviews from YOU
Mel Toguchi
5.0 out of 5 stars
January 19, 2016
Format: Hardcover
Let me start by saying this book gave me goose bumps (in a good way). Why? Because I never could explain all the days of the week to my children. As I stated reading this book the hair on my arms began to raise… Wow, this book gave me the opportunity to read a unique story about Viking boy Canute, to my grandchild with confidence explaining all the days of the week with a powerful story backing each day. I believe this book should be put into the school system, giving every child the opportunity to explore this exciting story of Canute and the magical journey. Thank you Lee Cuesta for writing an amazing book. I am truly your number one fan!!
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars
Splendid graphics and engaging narrative…
February 7, 2016
Format: Hardcover
Beautifully written. Beautifully illustrated. Carefully crafted words and stunning full-page artwork bring to life the story of the Norse origins of the days of the week. Children will delight in the colorful images and fascinating tale that reinforces learning by reviewing previous days as each new one is presented. Adults of all ages will delight in the splendid graphics and engaging narrative, in which each word counts. (by Mike Fagan, author and retired high school English teacher)
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Professional Reviews
Seven Viking Days review
in Midwest Book Review
By D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
Seven Viking Days offers up Viking tales of Thor and others in a hardcover full-color children’s picture book that gathers these tales under one cover and adds vibrant details about Viking lives and history.
It would have been all too easy to just present Viking folklore alone; but the added value of this approach is that it tailors its stories to reveal Viking lives and society and thus takes the folktale format a step further by creating a lively history. The book will be published in October.
Mia Hocking’s lovely illustrations create a collage of images and backgrounds to accompany text that will lend to both parental read-aloud and leisure enjoyment by kids with basic reading skills who have moved beyond the one- or two-line elementary picture book format.
From the origins of Tuesday in ‘Tiu’s Day’ to how other days of the week and Scandinavian roots are still present in modern culture, Seven Viking Days uses repetition, icons for the days, discussions of days’ names and their roots in legend and story, and more.
The result is a gorgeous presentation of Viking vignettes that will interest adults as well as children.
Back Cover blurb:
Advance Praise for Seven Viking Days:
“Vibrant details about Viking lives and history … lovely illustrations create a collage of images and backgrounds … The result is a gorgeous presentation of Viking vignettes that will interest adults as well as children.” — Midwest Book Review
A review of a review:
The following pre-publication review appeared in Publishers Weekly and BookLife. However, the reviewer did not read Seven Viking Days carefully enough before composing this review. Our book states clearly that Tuesday is named after Tiu because he prevented the ferocious Fenrir from hurting anyone else. Also, the quality of the artwork was due to the fact that the reviewer saw an Advance Reading Copy (ARC), which was printed on lower quality paper. Now the books are printed on high quality paper so that the vibrant, 3-D illustrations pop off the page!
Seven Viking Days review
in Publishers Weekly
Combining abstracted mixed-media illustrations and snippets of European legend, Cuesta recounts the origins of the names of the days of the week. After a Viking boy named Canute wakes one morning, the sun describes the stories behind the days’ names. “Without me, no plant or animal could survive on a dark and frozen earth,” says Sun, a fuzzy-edged orb with a smirking smile. “That’s why the first day bears my name.” Monday is named for the Moon, while the others “celebrate your Mighty Ones,” as Sun explains. They include Tiu, who loses his hand to the “monster wolf” Fenrir; Thor, ruler of the sky; and Queen Frigg, Friday’s namesake, who mourns the death of her son, Baldur. Blending papers, paints, and collaged objects, Hocking succeeds in creating a dreamy, multilayered backdrop for the sun’s stories, but the quality and consistency of the images vary. And while Cuesta gives readers a taste of Germanic, Norse, and Roman legend, the stories (such as the one of Tiu losing his hand) don’t always give a strong sense of why these deities were honored with days named after them. Ages 4–8. (BookLife)
Reviewed by Publishers Weekly on 07/31/2015
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Front Cover blurb:
“Hocking succeeds in creating a dreamy, multilayered backdrop for the sun’s stories … while Cuesta gives readers a taste of Germanic, Norse, and Roman legend” — Publishers Weekly